Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever."  Psalm 107:1

This evening at 5:00 the doctors took Nathan back to the OR.  They needed to go in and try to stop the bleeding on the left side and to have a good look at the other areas of incision. 
At about 8:15 Dr. Copper the plastic surgeon came into talk to me.  He said Nathan did well through surgery.  They had to do a bit of work on the right leg; move one muscle over and cover a nerve.  They put a splint on the leg as well to keep it in position.  The left stump required a little bit of tissue removal, they covered it and are hoping to put the vaccu dressing back on in a couple of days. It is a dressing they use to keep the tissue moist but to take out the extra fluid.  Nates right arm they said looked good, they only had to remove a small amount of tissue and then they put the vaccu dressing on the arm.  They also had to close up some areas of concern on the left side of the torso.  They were able to also sew up both the right and left sides.  Nate is not "out of the woods" but he is definately not as sick as he was the last couple days
Tonight he is struggling because of pain. 
We are thankful that Nate is with us and the doctors are happy with his progress.
Praise be to our Father in Heaven for sustaining Nate this far.  We pray that He will continue to grant healing and protect Nates life.

Please continue to pray for Nate, myself, our children, our families and the nurses and doctors.  May God give us strength each day again.

If you are able to donate blood, please do so.  Much thanks to those who have or who are going to.  If you are unable, please continue to pray.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. "  Philip 4: 6-7


  1. We continue to remember you in our prayers. May God be with you all and make things well for Nathan.
    Ottawa Van Poptas

  2. This is great news! Prayers are being answered! We continue to pray for Nathan and Aileen and your children.

    Arnie and Cathy and girls.

  3. That's so wonderful to hear good news! We are always praying for you and Nathan and your whole family. God is so great and He's guiding us all. Monica has also made an appointment to give blood this week. We want to help in any way that we can!
    Wes, Monica & Makenzi Hofsink

  4. Aileen, we are thankful to read this positive report. We continue to pray that the Great Physician will hold Nathan in His healing hands. We also pray that He will strengthen you and your children, parents, siblings and extended family as you deal with the ups and downs of Nathan's illness. You remain in our thoughts and prayers.

    Arend and Willa Dale Smid

  5. I am the daughter of Mervyn who works with Nathan. I don't know him or your family personaly but am thinking about you every day. I hope things continue to look better all the way to recovery.
    Thoughts from the O'Dell family.

  6. Aileen and Family,

    It is great to hear some good news!! We hope and pray that things continue to improve for Nate. In our thoughts and prayers
    Andrew and Michelle Vanderven
    Rockingham West Australia

  7. We were once again strengthened to hear some positive news, Aileen! May God continue to be with you and grant you patience and grant healing for Nathan, and may He be with Taryn and Aiden as they spend time away from home. Our prayers continue daily for you all. Let me know if you need anything.
    Love, Jay and Denise and girls

  8. It is amazing to hear the positive report on Nathan's condition! We are continually thinking about you guys, and praying for you all.

    Bill Deanna & Liam

  9. SO happy to hear some good news! God is good, and He truly hears our prayers! We continue to wish you strength and patience.
    John & Francine & family

  10. We rejoice with you in the positive progress. We also rejoice in the blessing of the communion of saints across the world who together pray for all of you. Remain strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
    Love from the Boeremas

  11. It is so good to hear positive progress for Nate.
    We are keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers.
    Love the Kilfoys

  12. Dear Nate& Aileen Taryn,Aiden& Family
    SOOOO Thankful to hear good news.The Lord has truly blessed you's. May he contiune to grant all that is needed.Hugs Love Herman& Jolene

  13. They that wait upon the Lord
    shall renew their strength;
    They shall mount up
    with wings as eagles;
    They shall run
    and not be weary;
    They wahll walk,
    and not faint.
    Isaiah 30:31

    Be strong Sis, we're with you every step of the way. xoxo Laura

  14. So wonderful to hear such positive news! We pray this will continue for him! So much has happened in only one week...Praying for continued strength for you, your children, Nathan's parents and so many others,
    lots of love, James and Rach

  15. Our thoughts and prayers are with you! We share in your thankfulness to our Heavenly Father for positive progress and will continue to pray for you all! Eric and Jackie and Family

  16. Dunnville's next blood donor clinic is
    November 17!
    In Sept there was someone there who had donated the 100th time!
    He got a standing ovation :-)

  17. thanking the Lord for the work of the hands of the doctors. continue to put your hope and trust in Him for all things come from our heavenly Fathers hand. prayers will continue too

  18. Thankyou so much for keeping us all updated. So many people have been living the past week right along with you in thought and prayer. The text from 1 Corinthians 12:26 comes to mind:"If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it." We rejoice with you for some positive news and pray that God will continue to bless the work of the doctors and nurses.
    Sibrand and Adria Stulp and family

  19. Words can't express the pain we all feel for you, but we thank the Lord with you with every small glimmer of good news! Its hard to believe that God has a purpose in even this but we KNOW that He does. Your faith is strong and God will not give you anything you can't handle, He will gather you up in His loving hands and carry you through the trials every day brings! Praying hard for you and the extended family!

  20. It was good to hear some positive news.
    Praise be to God!
    May He continue to be your guide and comfort through this difficult journey. Praying that our Almighty Physician grant healing and comfort to Nathan as he endures the process of healing day to day.
    Aileen praying for you that you also receive the strength needed to support Nathan and your children during this trying time.
    God is our refuge! His Love endures forever!
    Praying for all the medical staff and for the extended family as well!
    With love: Ben & Anita Poort

  21. May the Lord continue to surround you and your family with His love and care. It is our prayer that He continue to grant healing, comfort and strength during this time.
    Arthur and Wilma deLeeuw
    Brian, Roseanne and Carolyn

  22. Praise be to God for His unfailing love and mercy!! So thankful to hear some positive results! Our Heavenly Father is keeping Him in His loving care and we pray that He will continue to give healing even little steps at a time!! With many prayers,
    Arnold and Anita Hulzebosch

  23. Dear Aileen, Nathan, kids and extended families.
    We are so happy to hear a bit of positive news as you have been in our thoughts and prayers all this time.
    May the LORD give you strength and comfort and may he continue to grant Nathan healing.
    We will continue to pray for you all.
    Ed and Sophia Dam
    Thank you as well Aileen for drawing attention to the importance of donating blood. It is so easy to do (and as with Nathan)it saves lives.

  24. Our Lord is awesome, He knows what is best for all of us. Our prayers are with you all, as you deal with what our Lord has placed before you. We too pray that the Lord will continue to grant healing and protect Nathan.
    John & Martha VanMiddelkoop
    Grand Rapids,MI

  25. Thanking the LORD for the positive news. Our prayers continue every day. May the LORD continue to be with both of you and give patience and strength when it is needed.
    Dave & Wendy Heyink

  26. Rylan has been busy making cards for your family all week. We explained to him that cards are very nice, but that praying is even better. He said that God made a card too ~ the Bible! And he is so right!

    We continue to keep you and yours in our hearts and prayers! May "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace" (Num 6:24-26)

    Eugene & Sonya (Kyle, Rylan , Kaitlyn & Tamryn)

  27. Our thoughts and prayers are with you constantly, may God continue to grant you strength and the peace Philippians speaks about.
    Melynda & Norman Hoeksema
