Thursday, November 11, 2010

"Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs." Psalm 100:1-2

Yestarday (Wed) was a day to rejoice in the LORD once again for His many great mercies and His goodness to us.  When I went into see Nate in the morning, he was awake, intubated (breathing tube) but responding to everything we said.  He wiggled his fingers on BOTH hands, responded with shaking his head yes or no to questions asked.  Later in the day, he attempted to ask why he was in the hospital. After speaking with Nates nurses I realized it was time to tell Nate what has happened (briefly) over the past two weeks.  I had to tell Nate about what has happened in surgery to his limbs.  He still seemed to have many questions, unfortunately Nate can't ask questions and he tires out extremely fast and gets very frustrated with his breathing tube..  It is unbelievable to think that it was two weeks ago since we were last able to communicate.  I eagerly await the day Nates breathing tube is removed, and I can hear my husbands voice once again, but am so thankful to our Heavenly Father for allowing us this time together after all Nate has gone through.

Last night our parents and myself were able to meet with doctors and nurses to find out what is going on and what they hope will go on in the next week. 

Nate has to have another surgery, to clean out his wounds and put proper dressings on, this will take place in the OR and so the reason they don't want to remove his breathing tube just yet.  Nate is still on dialysis, but the doctors hope that within 6-8 weeks Nates kidneys will start to function again.  Nate will be in ICU for the next week forsure, and then the LORD willing he will be moved to the burn unit for dressing changes.

All this we know is in the LORD's hands and He controls all things. 

Much thanks to all who have been helping us out  in so many different ways.  Those who have already started working in our house making it accessable for Nate when he comes home and for all the many other things you have been doing there.  God has richly blessed us with family and friends who truly love us and want to help.

Please also remember Nathan's close friends in prayer, they too have and continue to struggle with all that has gone on and are missing their mechanic and friend.

Remember the work of the doctors and nurses, and all the medical staff.
Please continue to pray for me as well especially as Nate is comprehending what has gone on and wants answers.  Pray that God will continue to strengthen and give me the wisdom I need to help Nate, but most of all pray that God will give Nate the comfort of his Heavenly Father, the trust in his Father and the patience to take it one day at a time.

"Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people the sheep of his pasture." Psalm 100:3


  1. Absolutely amazing!!! What a testimony to the greatness of our God. Continually in our thoughts, and always remembered in our prayers. May you receive the wisdom and strength needed. In His love the boeremas

  2. Stay strong in the Lord. Our daily prayers continue for all of you, thanking Our Father for His loving care and His abundant blessings, and praying for strength and comfort for all of you and especially for Nathan's healing.Thanks for the updates.
    John & Wilma Groenwold and family

  3. Phil. 4 :12-13
    "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
    Praise to God that you are a walking testimony to this truth. The trials and difficulties that lay ahead will still be there, but as you said; "one day at a time" and with Him, you will have the strength.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you every day;
    In Christian love,
    Chris and Eleanor Schulenberg and family.

  4. "Praise the LORD, O my soul, all my inmost being, praise His holy name." Ps. 103
    In His love, Dennis & Marg Muis

  5. Trust in the Lord always. Our prayers continue for all of you. Lou and Marg Beintema

  6. What another great update Aileen!! What an amazing God we have. It was so encouraging to see Nathan awake and alert yesterday and so heartwarming to see how much he wanted you to be there with him. Awwww. What a cute couple. We continue to pray for you and you know we are there for you any time of day. Let me know when you're ready for another power walk ;) xoxo

  7. i am so happy to read that things start to look up. communication is a huge thing ! who knows what GOD has in store for Nate and all of you.may GOD bless all the prayers and work which is done for and with Nate.keep the faith,be strong in the LORD. HE loves you!!!with Christian love,Hein and Ria VanLuik.

  8. Aileen and Nathan,
    So thankful to hear that Nathan is doing well. Keeping all those who are involved in our prayers and thoughts! May the Lord continue to keep your family in His ever loving care.
    Jodi & Eric McNeil and family

  9. Praise be to God! We are thrilled and rejoice with you in this news, it also brings tears to our eyes as I cant even imagine not talking to my husband for 2 weeks and how hard it must be to watch his struggle with the realization with what is happening/ed. We pray that the Lord guides you in all of this and gives you the strength to help Nathan through this as well. We pray for Nate and that the Lord will wrap him in loving arms, and surround him with peace and comfort and continued healing. We continue to pray for Aiden and taryn and the rest as the family as well as friends and Dr's. Our God is indeed amazing!
    lots of love,
    the olij's

  10. Such positive news today! And so many prayers being answered. We continue to pray for all involved and may things continue to get better day by day.
    Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
    Love Amy and Jonathan Reinink

  11. I'm so glad to hear that Nathan is coming around.

    While I am sure that he will have a long and difficult road to recovery; I am also sure that he couldn't ask for better friends and family to help him along the way.

    Marc Poland

  12. Very thankful indeed to hear of Nathan's progress. We continue to pray for all of you and especially for Nathan as he comes to grips with his condition.

  13. Wonderful news to hear! May our Father in heaven continue to be your source of wisdom, comfort and patience. Praying that Nathan will adjust and accept the changes in his life and all of your lifes. May you all move forward with our heavenly Father guiding you every step of the way, holding you close to Himself.
    With love: Ben & Anita Poort

  14. All the best as you take things day by day. May the LORD guide you and keep you near and dear.
    Mike and Amanda

  15. We praise God with you and all the saints!! We are thankful the LORD has placed you with Nate as he will need you tremendously in the days ahead. God has given you what you needed thus far, to be an example to us and to Nate. We pray for an extra measure of patience and encouragement for you. We also pray for Nate, that he may be able to deal with everything in due time.

    With continued prayers,
    Nathan and Michelle Helder

  16. "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow". God has surely answered our prayers. I continue to pray for you all, and that the Lord will continue to grant all that you are in need of. If you need anything, please just ask.
    Love Marion

  17. We praise God that He had led Nate's recovery so far! And we continue to pray for Nate as he continues to recover and must absorb the changes that have happened to him. May God grant him all he needs to be able to adjust emotionally and physically. We also pray for you Aileen and all the family as you seek to help Nate in his recovery. Mike, Beth and Russell

  18. Psalm 46:1-2
    God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.

    Isaiah 40:18-31
    Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

    Philippians 4:6
    Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God

    1 Peter 5:6-7
    Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

  19. We Praise and thank our heavenly Father with you! We continue to pray! God has put you two together for many reasons, some of which we can all see now. May the strength that God has given you this far continue to hold both of you. We wish Nathan all the understanding and strength he will need in the days ahead.
    Leo and Angelina

  20. Aileen, we have never met, but if you play dutch bingo long enough there's a connection. My cousin Mark is married to Nathan's sister, Val. I have been following your blog and praying for you and your family daily. Last year I experienced a medical crisis with my husband as well and I know what a difficult and trying time it can be as you try to be strong for everyone. A year later, we can look back and be extremely thankful for how far the Lord has brought us, but it was a long and difficult journey. On the very difficult days all that got me through was "The Lord has a perfect plan." We will continue to pray for Nathan's healing but also for you, that on those difficult days He will give you the strength that you need. Wishing you His Peace, Shannon de Jong

  21. Aileen, Nathan, children and extended family,

    You remain in our thoughts and prayers. We rejoice with you in the progress that is taking place. How awesome our Heavenly Father is! We pray that as Nathan becomes more aware of what has happened that he may also be very much aware of the Father's grace which abounds. May the Great Physician continue to grant the doctors, nurses and other health care professionals the wisdom they need to treat Nathan. And may He also strengthen you, Aileen, and give you wisdom in explaining it all to Nathan and just being there for him.

    Arend and Willa Dale Smid

  22. Our thoughts and prayers are continually with you and your family and friends. What great comfort it is knowing Nathan's care is in the hands of our perfect Lord and Master, for with Him all things are possible!
    In Christian love,
    Tim & Amy Linde
