Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Finally my brethern, be strong  in the Lord and in the power of His might." Eph 6:10

Our Lord is a mighty Lord,  last night He sustained Nathan through another night and Nate was able to rest a little more at ease.

After Nates dialysis Mon afternoon (yestarday), Nate was much more alert and even got emotional.  As they decrease Nates sedation levels and he becomes more aware of what is going on, Nate is going to need your prayers.  For us we have had time to deal with what has gone on in the past two weeks, but for Nate he will recieve the blow in great force.  Pray continually for him, and for me, that God may give me the strength and wisdom to encourage Nate through this.  At present time, Nate is still sedated enough he doesn't fully understand all that is going on. He is also on medication which has as a side effect amnesia (forgetfulness) for this we can be thankful for as well. 

Today the plastic surgeons and ortho surgeons are supposed to come in and have a good look at Nates incision areas.  Hopefully we will find out soon how they look and what the long term "plan" is for Nate in these areas as well. 

Nate is still battling infections, the doctors believe they have the necrotizing facistise (sorry, im not sure how to spell it) undercontrol, though he is still on antibiotics for this as well.  The other infections are ones we knew were coming it was just a matter of time.  Nate is still very sick, but God's mercies are new each morning.

Thank you for your prayers.  Please continue to pray for Nate, myself our children, and all the medical staff involved in Nates care.


  1. Your family has been and continues to be in our thoughts and prayers. We are thankful for the goodness of our Lord that we have seen evident in these past weeks time and time again. We pray for Nathan, that he may receive comfort and assurance of God's love and care for him; we pray also for you Aileen, that you may have wisdom, patience and energy for these trying days.

    In His grip, Jason & Linda & boys

  2. I was directed to your blog by a mutual friend and while we don't know each other or may ever meet, I think about your family daily and pray for the health of your son. Let your faith and the support that surrounds you give you the strength needed in this difficult time.

  3. Please know that you are all in our prayers each and everyday. We read your updates daily and you are constantly on our minds.
    Josh and Aileen Hofsink

  4. Thanks again for taking the time to update us all. We continue to pray for you and with you. May God be gracious. In His love, the boeremas

  5. Prayers of thankfulness continue for you & yours as well as prayers of petition for daily healing. It is so good to hear that you have had "moments" with Nathan and we pray that you will receive more & more as he is slowly brought out of sedation. Continued strength & patience as this day unfolds.
    With love, Dennis & Marg Muis

  6. We will continue to pray for Nathan that his healing may continue, and for you that you will continue to be given strength. We think of you often and appreciate the updates that you continue to post. May the Lord continue to watch over your families.

    Tim, Virginia and Owen

  7. We continue to pray for everyone involved. We pray for strength, healing, guidence, comfort, patience, love and peace. May God continue to hold you up Aileen, as only He can, day after day. Your updates are truly appreciated.
    Tracy & Dan Aasman

  8. We will continue to pray Aileen! We thank God for sustaining Nate's life, and pray for you and the 'extended' family daily.
    May you all recieve much strength, especially now as Nate may become more 'aware' of all that's gone on...
    lots of love,
    James and Rach

  9. praying!
    Rich and Tracey Stam

  10. We are so thankful to read about Nathan's progress! There is still so much to be thankful for during these difficult times. Please know that you are continually in our prayers and on our minds. There is still a long road ahead, but we hope that you are able to find comfort in the fact that God is holding you near. He knows all that you need.
    Proverbs 3: 5-6 : "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
    Dan and Carrie Hartman

  11. Thanks for the updates! We continue to remember your family in our prayers!

  12. Aileen,
    You guys are always in our thoughts and prayers, for healing, for strength, and encouragement. Oh yea, I donated for the first time last night, it was not bad at all! Those who are able, please donate! It takes but an hour of your life, but may help someone else live theirs!!

  13. So good to read of the improvements, Aileen! Thanks for the updates as well as the specific prayer requests that you give us via this blog. May God continue to give you all the strength, wisdom, and comfort needed through the coming days and weeks.

  14. "Be still and know I am God"

  15. Just want to let you know that even though we don't know you and that we live on the other side of the world (Albany Western Australia) we pray that our Heavenly Father will continue to be with you all and keep Nathan during this very difficult time. May His covenantal love and promises sustain you all.
    Bryant & Denise de Vos

  16. We too are still praying and are happy to hear of the improvements!
    We pray that our Lord will give Nathan the strength he needs to heal and also to deal with all these things that have happened to him.
    With Christian love,
    Bob and Rose Schulenberg and family

  17. Continuing to pray for you all. Thankful for God's continued care that He is providing for and to you.
    Love Marion

  18. Dear Aileen (and extended family of Nathan and Aileen)
    Wow, God is giving you so much strength and faith during this extremely difficult time in your lives. You often mention things you are thankful for in this time, there is one more! You can be thankful for how He is preserving you. How powerful He is in sustaining His children!
    Our family is praying for you. May God give Nathan an acceptance of what has happened to his body. Not only when he hears the news, but also (DV) many years down the road.
    Chris and Amanda DeBoer

  19. Aileen and Family:
    Reading each day of the battles Nate and you are facing is hard.... but your strength and courage amazes me. We pray for Nate and your family every night, and for the path that lays ahead for you. I hope this passage helps...

    I will not forget you! See, I have carved you on the palms of my hands.
    Isiah 49:15,16
    Angela and Ryan Baroldi

  20. Aileen and Nathan,
    We continue to pray for your continued strength. May we all stay strong as we live our lives in the hands of our gracious God.
    We, too, pray continually, giving thanks for all that he has given us!
    John and Francine and family

  21. It's so good to see all the support you are recieving from everyone.Speaking from experience this is where I found my strength to deal with these tough times. I hope and pray that it gives you and Nathan the strength to overcome this burden
    LD 1 What is your only comfort in life and death? That I am not my own but belong to my faithful saviour Jesus Christ.

    Peter Heemskerk III

  22. We remember you Aileen and Nathan, your children & family constantly in prayer. Aileen we pray that God will give you the strength and wisdom that you so dearly need to take care of your husband and little ones. Wishing I could come see you, but Alberta is a little too far, so I'm sending you a big hug via the airwaves. We check the blog several times per day and really appreciate you sharing this very difficult time with us.
    Take care,
    Lots of love from Auntie Margaret

  23. Aileen, Nathan, kids and family,

    I too am following this blog very closely. Thanks for taking the time to update us. Must be difficult to put all these things into words.

    We are praying for you and thinking of you continually! May God be your strength & guide!

    Hugs from Holland.

    Martin & Janine Lamberink (Vanderhoeven)

  24. Nathan, Aileen and family,
    We continue to pray for you each and everyday.
    May God give you and Nathan the strength to persevere during this very difficult time.
    All the best with what lies ahead.
    Henry and Krista Lof

  25. The Lord is merciful and gracious. We continue to pray for Nate, you, and the children. We are thankful the Lord has spared Nate so far, we also pray that as Nate becomes more aware of things that have happen, that he also may find his strength and comfort in our Heavenly Father. We pray He will be your guide and strenght each and every day, one day at a time.
    We will continue to pray for healing and also for what the future will hold for you both, and that you may accept all things from His Hands.
    Jay & Meta Koster, and family

  26. Continuing to pray that each day you receive the strength you need to face what that day will bring. May our heavenly Father's arms surround you and bring you peace and joy, even in these trying circumstances. Mike, Beth and Russell

  27. We continue to uphold you in our prayers
    Dave and Heather Bosma

  28. Thank you so much for the continuing updates Aileen. We are thinking of Nathan every day and I continue to pray for him and your entire family. May Nathan continue to get stronger every day and may God grant you strength Aileen to help him deal with the struggles that lie ahead! We miss Nathan so much at work and pray for him every day!
    Thinking of you all, as well as the doctors and nurses that are doing such an amazing job of looking after him!!
    Janet Boehmer
    Sheehan's Truck Centre

  29. Dear family,

    Thank you for the updates every day.
    We continue to pray for you each day.
    May God guide you and give you strength for the time ahead.
    Gerry and Anita VanDoornik

  30. Aileen, Nathan and families:
    We continue to pray for all of you as you go thru this difficult time. Aileen, if you are ever up for a visit, I would love to stop by. Somtimes it is the family members that need the visits. Just let me know. If there is anything else that we can do, just let us know. Thank you for taking the time to update this blog. How difficult it must be to put it all down. But hopefully you can use all these encouraging words as strength for yourself. Take care and may God continue to be with you, Aileen and of course Nathan as he gets closer to realizing the new reality of his life.
    Jack and Michelle VanderVelde and girls.

  31. We are thinking of you and praying for you, for not only now, but what lies ahead. May God give you an extra measure of His mercies and grace, as well as His comfort as Nathan continues to come to.
    Matt and Amanda Hol

  32. We are thinking of you and your family and keeping you all in our prayers. In times of anxiety and uncertainty, we can take comfort that God already knows the outcome, and He will reveal it in His time. Be patient and wait on the LORD, He is your strength and shield.
    Brian and Melissa Kottelenberg (Orangeville)

  33. Aileen and families, continuing to pray for you all for strength from above
    John and Jenny Hordyk

  34. Wayne and Karen BreukelmanNovember 10, 2010 at 9:05 PM

    May God continue to carry you and your families through this difficult time - we are thinking of you and praying for you
    Wayne and Karen Breukelman

  35. We think about all of you often and continue to remember you in our prayers. Thank you for the daily updates that allow us to follow Nathan's recovery. The Lord knows the plans he has for Nathan, yourself and your family. Continue to trust in Him and know that He is there with you guiding and directing the doctors, nurses and other health care professionals and holding all of you in His Fatherly Hands.

    We thank the Lord for all He has done thus far.

    Arend and Willa Dale Smid

  36. I was directed to your blog via a mutual Facebook friend and prayers for your family in our congregation last Sunday I have been thinking of you and praying for you in your current circumstances this past week. May God provide all that you need and grant Nate healing both physically and emotionally as he comes to grips with what is happening. May the Communion of Saints surround you and up hold you.
