Friday, April 29, 2011

"Praise the LORD.  Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever."  Psalm 106:1

Since Nathan came home early from hospital this week, (due to a conference for the physio and doctors)  we decieded that may be he should write the next blog, so the following is written by Nate.

Well its been two weeks since starting inpatient rehab (but only 7 days due to holidays) and I have to admit that after the first very frustrating day progress has been remarkable.  They have not only taught me to walk in the paralell bars but have graduated me to walking with two canes , then one , then none!  They have also been teaching me how to tackle things like curbs, stairs, and uneven and soft surfaces as well as how to stand again after a fall.  This weekend they allowed me to take the leg home - I had to promise them I would use two canes when I am walking.  Walking with a prostetic requires an incredible amount of energy and after walking only a short distance I find myself getting tired very quickly.  Its going  to take a long time to build up endurance but with much patience and prayer the Lord willing I will be able to walk well again.  In the days ahead they will teach me to master walking without the aid of canes because as of now they are simply wobbly baby steps, then move on to learn how to carry objects and walk - but all in due time!

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.  May our Heavenly Father bless each of you as He has so richly blessed us.

Monday, April 18, 2011

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Today Nathan started physio with his prosthetic.  What a work out!! Wearing an above knee prosthetic requires a lot of energy and strength to learn to walk on it.  It was absolutly incredible to see Nathan walking on his prosthetic not once but mulitple times today.  This physio is EXTREMEMLY intensive, frustrating (and painful)  when it doesn't go just right, unfortunately there will be many days of frustration as each time Nathan accomplishes one goal the next one will be more difficult.  Please continue to pray for strength and encouragment as Nathan spends these days in hospital and in physio. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

"When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other.  Therefore, a man cannot discover anything about his future."  Ecclesiastes 7:14

Nathan has officially been admitted to hospital again.  He is at the Hamilton Rehab Center for intensive physio, and training to walk on his prosthetic.  Nate will be there for approx 4-6 weeks, depending on how well things go.  Nate and I are not looking forward to this time in hospital again, but are thankful that Nate is not sick this time, he will be coming home for weekends  and that this time is hopefully the last big step to walking and starting our lives without hospital every week.    This too is in the hands of our Heavenly Father and He alone knows the course Nate must now take.

If you would like to visit Nate, he is on the second floor of the rehab building which is attached to the Hamilton General Hospital, the center is located on Wellington Ave. between Barton and Burlington St.  The official area is 2B- south amputee and spinal cord floor, room 216 bed 2 (which is the bed by the door.)  Nate has physio twice a day at 10:30 and 2:00 for an hour at a time, and needs total concentration for these, meaning that the physio team and we request that you do not visit during physio.  These times are not consistent for every day as Nate also has classes to go to and appointments with different teams (OT, Docs, prosthetic team and scar control team) If you would like to visit please contact Nate before you come, and he will let you know the best time to visit. 

At this time we would like to thank you for your continued support with prayers, encouragment and donations. These all have been such a blessing to us, and we pray that we may use our blessings to the honour and glory of our Heavenly Father.  Many things have changed in our lives and continue to change.  From more house renos that need to be made to make things easier for Nate, to a new vehicle suited for him to drive for when he returns to work, but in all these things we must use what we have been given to honour Him first.  We pray that our Father will continue to bless your lives as He has so richly blessed ours.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

“Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.  I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.  I say; My purpose will stand and I will do all that I please.”  Isaiah 46: 9-10
A number of things have happened in the past couple of weeks that we thought you might find interesting....on March 30th Nathan stood on his prosthetic for the very first time.  It was an incredible moment, to see – Nathan standing, both feet on the ground and not having to hold on.  Unfortunately the socket (part of the prosthetic that goes over Nate’s left limb (a.k.a “stumpy”) was much too large so Nate was unable to take any steps. Then a week and a half later (April 8th) Nate not only stood on his prosthetic but he took his first steps – they were not smooth or perfect but they were steps and it was a very exciting moment... unfortunately the socket still did not fit properly, and so Nate was unable to walk in it for long, another appointment was made for further fitting.
On Monday April 11, Nathan and I along with the kids went back to Hamilton for another fitting.  This time the kids were able to see Daddy’s prosthetic and watch Dad walk, the smiles on their faces were enough to make us all grin.  Dad was walking, they were so used to Dad wheeling that it was really incredible to see him walking.  Once again the socket still didn’t fit perfectly and they needed to do some more alterations...with the “promise” that the prosthetic will be ready for physio on Mon April 18th.  (Just for your own info, it is very normal for the socket not to fit the first time around and will need a lot of alterations.  The prosthetic itself will also need alterations for height, weight bearing, foot placement etc. )   This being said, yes Nathan is going to be admitted to hospital for 4-6 weeks starting on Friday April 15th.  He will thankfully be able to be home for the weekends and holidays but has to stay over from Monday – Friday.  When we get further details as to his room, the times when he will be having physio and CANNOT have visitors, and his schedule in general we will post the info. 
At this time I would like to thank all of our wonderful friends, family and our Church community as a whole for all the driving you have done for us.  Nathan’s physio was three times a week in Hamilton for two hours and over the past two months I have had to drive only a few times.  We have been richly blessed and continually cared for.  Our Heavenly Father knows what we need when we need it most.  To Him be all Honour, Thanks and Praise.  
With thankful hearts; Nathan, Aileen, Taryn and Aiden Diek