Thursday, November 25, 2010

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most Hight will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."  Psalm 91:1

Nathan once again had a busy day, but he slept the night and didn't vomit in the morning.   It started with dressing change of the stump which looks really good and clean.  Nate then went down stairs for the ultrasound of  his kidneys of which we do NOT have results yet.  While  down stairs they also replaced Nates pic line (like an IV but it goes all the way to the heart) so its in right this time. Once back upstairs physio attacked Nate and started with all his exercises.  He sat up a little bit straighter today.

Tomorrow is supposed to be an even busier day for Nate, but i'll tell you about tomorrow tomorrow

Please continue to pray for Nate as the reality of time sets in a little more each day.  We are thankful for each prayer.


  1. You both continue to be in our daily thoughts and prayers.
    Matt and Sarah Bartels

  2. Nathan and Aileen
    We continue to remember you in our prayers and know that our Heavenly Father will grant you each day what is needed for the day. May His love and grace grant you strength and comfort each new day.
    In His love
    the Boeremas

  3. We also continue to hold you both in our prayers. We also pray that our Gracious God will give you both the peace and patience needed while Nathan's body heals. We also pray that you are able to accept the path that He has placed before you. May God's love and grace be your strength.
    THe Koster's

  4. Dear Nate & Aileen, Praying God continues to grant you both the strength you need in this time. May God continue to grant comfort evertime the reality of time and recovery sets in.Love yous Sending big hugs Herman&Jolene , Kaitlyn

  5. dear nate and aileen,
    we continue to pray daily for all of you. for healing, strength,comfort,patience. for your children and extended family as well.
    PS.we hope the breakfast fundraiser is a huge success and we wish we could be there.One of these days when we make it out your way, tell nate he owes us a breakfast..hahahaha.
    Love and prayers always,
    sherry,mike,kai and levi. :-)
