Saturday, November 27, 2010

"Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress."  Ps 71:3

Yesterday (Friday) Nate had a busier then normal day.  They changed all his dressings, removed the vacc dressing from his arm and now he has a 'normal' dressing on it (same as on the stump) and they were able to put the vaccu seal back on his leg.  Nate is booked to have his first skin grafts on Wednesday for his arm and stump (thus the reason a 'normal' dressing)  Nate also had dialysis and a lot of physio yesterday. 

At the end of dialysis, Nate's heart went into a VERY rapid rate.  (over 200 beats per minute)  Many people were called into his room and soon Nate's heart rate was returned to normal.  So needless to say Nate has been transferred once again.  This time he is on the fourth floor (cardiac floor) where they can monitor his heart rate a lot closer. Hopefully by the end of today Nate will be back in the BTU (if they have a bed)

Each day again we are faced with the challenges of our frail bodies and are reminded of our complete dependence on our Heavenly Father. For though He allowed all this technology to help Nate, He is in full control of all that happens. 

Please continue to remember Nate in your prayer, that his kidneys may function again, and Nate is given all he needs as he is moved to different rooms in the hospital. 

"But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more."  Ps 71: 14


  1. dear nathan and aileen. i have followed your journey since the beginning. i do not know you, but am touched by your courage and faith in God. how our lives can change in such a short time, and that somehow with God's words of comfort and abiding presence we can make it through. He sets a community around you to pray, help and support.
    arlene (u.r.c. hamilton)

  2. Nathan and Aileen,
    We hope you two have a good weekend filled with as much rest as you need. We also hope your children may be given the strength, understanding and bravery they require at this time. May they see their parents as true heroes of the faith and the heavenly Father as their true heavenly Father is carefully watching and guarding them at this time in their lives.
    Have a blessed weekend!
    A brother and sister in Hamilton

  3. It is good to hear you putting your trust in our Heavenly Father - may He continue to hold you all close to Him. When in doubt, look to your right - all those texts in your blog archive are a beautiful reminder of God's love and faithfulness!
    Jason & Linda Tenhage

  4. We will continue to pray for Nathan and you and the Diek and Feenstra families and the chn praying that he will give you continued strength and comfort. For I know that my God is an awesome God and what He does is beyond all human understanding.

    George and Margaretha Diek
    Dean Diek and Jen Watson
    Spruce Grove Alberta

  5. Continuing to pray for all of you. May you have a blessed Sunday.

    Arend and Willa Dale Smid

  6. We will continue to pray!

    John and Francine and Family
