Friday, November 12, 2010

"Praise the LORD.  Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens.  Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness" Psalm 150:1-2

What a wonderful day God has graciously granted us. 

This morning (Friday) they sedated Nate so they could change his dressings and then do his dialysis.  Both things Nate tolerated well

This evening (Friday) at approx 6:00 p.m. they removed Nates breathing tube.  He could finally talk.  I was able to hear my husbands voice once again.  What a gracious God we have. 

Nathan has at this point 'accepted' what has happened and remembers me telling him. (I'm sure there will be many more frustrating and difficult days ahead - but we are thankful for the positive day we were blessed with)  Nates biggest concern was food, and how we could sneak food into him.  As you may have guessed he still has many sedatives still in his blood stream and was making some funny comments due to them.

He is eager to see Taryn and Aiden tomorrow morning (Sat morning) so I ask that you will pray for our children that they may be eager to see their dad and accept him as he is, even in a hospital bed.  This may be a bit scary for them. 

Please continue to remember our famillies, friends, doctors, nurses and other medical staff in your prayers.  Our Heavenly Father has been gracious to us.  Give thanks to Him alone for all He has done.

"Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.  Praise the LORD." Psalm 150:6 


  1. The Lord has answered so many prayers! We wish you a great day tomorrow as you get together as a family again. All the best to you Aileen, Nathan, Taryn and Aiden. It will truely be a day of happiness and thanksgiving! We wish the four of you the Lords strength!
    Arnie, Cathy, Megan, Makenna, and Leah Hofsink

  2. What a blessing that Nathan has responded so well to the care. We pray that God will strengthen all of you tomorrow when you are together as a family again. Thanks for taking the time to update us. We will continue to pray. Even my grade 1 class in Fergus is praying for you!

  3. Thanks be to the Lord that he has continued to bless you during this hard time! I'm glad to hear that Nathan can communicate to you, and that the Lord is giving him rest as he needs it. Thanks for keeping up the blog. Nathan, you and the kids are in my prayers, and my thoughts often. Along with the rest of his family/friends, and the doctors/nurses who work with him. Great is the LORD! May he continue to give you strength and bless you as a family.

  4. God is so good
    He answers prayers,
    God is so to me!
    Great news Aileen! We hope you have a great day tomorrow. Continuing to pray for all of you,
    John and Jenny Hordyk

  5. We thank the Lord with you for His goodness and protection and for the way you have been a witness of His grace to all of us over the past number of weeks.
    We continually remember all of you in our prayers, praying specifically for your children and a joyous reunion between them and their dad this morning.

  6. What wonderful news!!! I am so happy that Nate is able to talk with you, and that he may soon see his children again. I hope with the help of the amazin care he is getting, and the continued prayers we are all sending, Nate will continue to get stronger...His nature to fight impresses me!!! We send our love....
    Angela, Ryan Baroldi (Van Seters) and Family

  7. We Thank God with you that you could have a possitive day. I remember my brother-in-law coming out of ICU and sedatives and they do say funny things:) Wishing you stregth through the days of healing ahead, as their will be difficult times. Continue to lean on God and He will carry you through! Thinking and Praying for you guys!

  8. Nathan and Aileen,
    How nice to read about the positive day! God certainly does answer prayers!
    We are thankful that Nathan has accepted what the LORD has placed on his path (again, proof that God answers prayers). We pray that this acceptance will stay in the (DV) years to come.
    May God keep your children's hearts close to Him as they will see what has happened to their Dad.
    Still in our prayers with much Christian love,
    Chris and Amanda DeBoer (VanderHoeven)

  9. "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound..."
    I am so glad that your family could come together today.
    MIke And Emma VanderVelde
    Cornerstone Church

  10. What wonderful news! we pray for taryn and aiden as they prepare to see nate after all of this and for continued strength,healing and comfort for Nate as well! We pray that you too receive all you need Aileen, to help your family through this all. the comment about the food made us smile...:)
    may the Lord continue to bless you all with more positive days!
    sherry, mike, malakai, levi.

  11. Grateful with you for positive steps - how wonderful that with Nathan we can all confess that God is in control! We hope that you had a good morning as a family, and that you may all be carried as you move forward. We wish you much strength, both physically and spiritually.

    Jason & Linda Tenhage & boys

  12. So grateful for some positive news. All the praise and honour for the progress being made in Nate's recovery is due to our Heavenly Father. May He continue to strengthen and guide you all in the coming days, weeks and months of recovery ahead. You are still always in our thoughts and prayers. Take care.
    Love, Hendrik, Sue and Lily

  13. Prasie God from whom all blessings flows!!! So glad to hear such wonderful news! Our thoughts and prayers are continually with you as you go through different things every day! What a true blessing that you could be together as family agin. Children are the best medicine anyone could offer (for Nate but you as well). Sending giant hugs your way! Herman & Jolene, Kaitlyn

  14. God is truly amazing and has answered so many prayers! We are so happy to hear such positive news and so grateful that Nathan is able to talk with you again, what an amazing feeling that must be! We are continually praying for you and your family, that He may give you all you need for the future ahead.
    Love Wes, Monica & Makenzi Hofsink
