Monday, December 13, 2010

"I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from?  My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."  Psalm 121: 1-2

I just thought I'd take a moment to reflect back over the past 6 1/2 weeks.  I read the first couple of blogs again this morning and I was overwhelmed at how far our Heavenly Father has brought Nate.  To think that only a couple weeks ago, we were taking it minute by minute and hour by hour, but now we can look more long term and think more in weeks instead of hours.  What a gracious Father we have. 

Just a week and a half a go and we didn't know if Nate's kidneys would ever function and now they are functioning very well and Nate is enjoying food once again. 

Though we don't understand why this has all happened we can rest assured that it is all part of our Heavenly Father's master plan. 

Nathan has a very long road of recovery ahead, but to be on that road now is a blessing in itself.  Hopefully only two more skin grafts at the most (hopefully just one) and then its all rehab - the LORD willing.

Nate has been up in the neuro chair (for approx 1 hr)  both Saturday (to visit with friends) and Sunday (to visit with family). He enjoys these times to get out of his room and to have visitors and then we aren't limited to number of people in his room. In this way too we can see how our Heavenly Father provides for us.

Please continue to pray for Nate to have the patience he needs to  continue each day again.  Thank you for all your prayers, we are so thankful for them.


  1. So wonderful to hear about the progress Nathan is making! How amazing our Heavenly Father is! We continue to pray for all of you. Thank you for your faithful updates.
    Neil and Carrie DeVries and family

  2. Thanks be to the Lord! Our help and strength comes from Him alone!
    You are all in our daily thoughts and prayers.

    John & Wilma Groenwold and the girls

  3. We are still reading your blog and praying for Nathan and your family. We are thankful God has continued to grant you (both) much strength so far. How good it is to reflect on God's work (both physically and spiritually)during these (long) weeks. What a great God we have who carries us through our difficulties when we give it over to Him. He indeed loves us more than anyone else and knows what is best for us. May He continue to give Nathan acceptance in all that has happened, and will happen.
    With Christian love

  4. It is amazing how fast things change, and how far he has come isn't it? What an awesome God we have, and the testimony the 2 of you reflect! We continue to pray daily for you both and your children. Thank you so much for the constant updates Aileen.
    Hugs to you both!
    Gus and Trish Hopman

  5. We continue to think of your family. We pray for you daily! Thanks for continuing to update the blog for all your faithful readers!!

  6. Continuing to pray for healing, strength and patience. May you feel God carrying you thru this.
    Ron and Anne Jager
