Friday, December 17, 2010

"Be not afraid, O land; be glad and rejoice.  Surely the LORD has done great things."  Joel 2:21

So to do some catch up....

Yesterday, (Thursday Dec 16) Nate got into the wheelchair for the first time.  He needed a lot of assistance, but he got into it.  This was very exciting for then we got to go visit Oma upstairs on the 5th floor. We also went to the ICU to visit some of Nate's previous nurses and doctors - they thought this was pretty neat, they don't often get to see patients again once they are feeling better.

So yesterday Nate had a good day and had 2 days of no vomiting (Wed & Thurs) which was the first time in a long time.  They are not sure why he is vomiting almost daily, and have tried to change medication. Other then that Nate has been feeling great, this feeling great is also due to the fact Nate has finally been sleeping well at night, which was due to as Nate puts it "Aileen putting her foot down once and for all... then everyone listens."  I have to disagree with "everyone listening" but yes, I did have to be very firm with the doctor to get the medication changed, but boy is Nate glad we got it changed (and so am I)  Yes Nate has been getting anywhere from 6-8 hours of sleep straight through the night, instead of interrupted sleep.

Today (Friday) Nate had a pretty good day other then the fact he vomited right after lunch, once again we're not sure why.  Shortly after wards Nate pretty much got himself to sitting on the side of the bed with very minimal assistance and then proceeded to move himself into the wheelchair with only a little assistance.  The physio therapist was stunned....and so was I.  Nate told me afterwards that his stump was hurting so he had to move quickly!  Whatever the case we were very excited, so once again we went to visit Oma upstairs and then went to visit the Vandyk family in the waiting room.  (Their daughter had a car accident and is in ICU east, if you want to know proper details please see her blog at  What an exciting time for us all... but all this excitement tired Nate out and he wanted back to bed.  Shortly there after Nate vomited once again....?due to too much movement?? who knows...

Tonight we were notified that Nate will be having surgery tomorrow morning at 8:00 am.  That is if no other emergencies come in.  This surgery is to do skin grafting on the right leg (we won't know how much until he comes out of surgery) as well as finishing the stump (certain areas didn't take as well - this is very common) And since I'm talking about his skin grafts, Nate's right arm graft took very well and no longer has a dressing on it, he has also started to shake hands with his right hand again and is using it very well, considering all the work they had to do to it.

The LORD has richly blessed us through these past weeks as we continue to see the progress Nate has been able to make.  This was really made aware to us when we visited the ICU and realized and remembered how sick Nate was.  The LORD has a plan for Nate and us, and we know that through this all He is in full control, His hands guide the doctors and nurses and its His plan that is worked out. 

Please pray for Nate that tonight he may get a good rest and tomorrow the surgery may go well.  Pray for the doctors and nurses and all involved in Nate's care.  Please also remember Oma Aikema and Kim Vandyk in your prayers.  How thankful we are that our Heavenly Father controls all things.


  1. Hi Nate, Aileen and Family,
    How wonderful to see Nate making progress one step at the time. The Lord's mercies are new every morning. Great indeed is His faithfulness
    At this time we want to wish you all the Lord's blessings during the Christmas season and His guidance and protection for the New Year.
    With love, Gerry and Jenny VanWoudenberg

  2. Wow!! So thankful to hear that things are healing, albeit slowly, but there is healing! Praise God!! My Nathan has wanted to visit your Nathan but has been struggling with a cold. As soon as that is gone, he hopes to come. We continue to pray for you and Nate, as well as children and extended family. May God continue to bless the healing process.

    Nathan and Michelle Helder

  3. Nathan is making much progress! So much to be thankful for, praise the Lord! Our family prayers will continue for healing and strength.

    Ron & Marian Bremer
