Sunday, November 28, 2010

"The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made."  Ps 145:9

Yestrarday (Sat)  Nathan was moved back down to the burn trauma unit (BTU) He had a much more peaceful day, with no dressing changes and no dialysis.

We recieved results from his kidney ultrasound and there are no blockages and the kidneys look intact, now we wait for Nates blood work to show his kidneys working.

Please continue to pray for healing, strength and comfort. 


  1. will continue to pray that the Lord will continue to carry you all on this long journey and provide for all your needs!
    love the vanrootselaar family

  2. Continually in our thoughts and prayers

  3. You remain in our thoughts and prayers.
    Tim and Elly Hutten and family
