Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"Come and see the works of God; He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men."  Psalm 66:5

How awesome our God is; He has graciously allowed Nate the ability to walk again.  It has been 4  weeks now in physio and the progress has been unbelieveable.  Nate went from wheelchair bound to walking without canes in 4 weeks.  In the medical community Nate is considered a huge"success" story, but in our Church community (and to the world)  God has shown us His awesome power and ability to do what He wills when He wills. 

Nate is doing very well, and hopefully will be coming home for good at the end of next week.  There are many things Nate would love to be able to do right away, but he needs time and patience to re-learn how to do many tasks we deem "simple".   At this point it appears Nate's "new" leg  (prosthetic) is out walking his "old" leg (right) - what I mean is that due to all the work (surgery) they had to do on that leg, the right knee is causing pain and discomfort especially when going from sitting to standing or standing to sitting.  Hopefully with time this too will correct itself and the knee will become much stronger. 

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.  Please continue to pray for Nathan, that he may find strength and comfort in his Heavenly Father even in the difficult and discouraging days.  May our Heavenly Father continue to bless each of you as He has so richly blessed us. 


  1. Fantastic news Nate & Aileen... praying for you as a family and for continuous healing regarding Nate's health.
    In Christian love: Ben n Anita Poort

  2. Sounds like Nate is flying along. All praise to God for such positive outcomes. Hope he can come home soon too.
