Wednesday, April 13, 2011

“Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.  I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.  I say; My purpose will stand and I will do all that I please.”  Isaiah 46: 9-10
A number of things have happened in the past couple of weeks that we thought you might find interesting....on March 30th Nathan stood on his prosthetic for the very first time.  It was an incredible moment, to see – Nathan standing, both feet on the ground and not having to hold on.  Unfortunately the socket (part of the prosthetic that goes over Nate’s left limb (a.k.a “stumpy”) was much too large so Nate was unable to take any steps. Then a week and a half later (April 8th) Nate not only stood on his prosthetic but he took his first steps – they were not smooth or perfect but they were steps and it was a very exciting moment... unfortunately the socket still did not fit properly, and so Nate was unable to walk in it for long, another appointment was made for further fitting.
On Monday April 11, Nathan and I along with the kids went back to Hamilton for another fitting.  This time the kids were able to see Daddy’s prosthetic and watch Dad walk, the smiles on their faces were enough to make us all grin.  Dad was walking, they were so used to Dad wheeling that it was really incredible to see him walking.  Once again the socket still didn’t fit perfectly and they needed to do some more alterations...with the “promise” that the prosthetic will be ready for physio on Mon April 18th.  (Just for your own info, it is very normal for the socket not to fit the first time around and will need a lot of alterations.  The prosthetic itself will also need alterations for height, weight bearing, foot placement etc. )   This being said, yes Nathan is going to be admitted to hospital for 4-6 weeks starting on Friday April 15th.  He will thankfully be able to be home for the weekends and holidays but has to stay over from Monday – Friday.  When we get further details as to his room, the times when he will be having physio and CANNOT have visitors, and his schedule in general we will post the info. 
At this time I would like to thank all of our wonderful friends, family and our Church community as a whole for all the driving you have done for us.  Nathan’s physio was three times a week in Hamilton for two hours and over the past two months I have had to drive only a few times.  We have been richly blessed and continually cared for.  Our Heavenly Father knows what we need when we need it most.  To Him be all Honour, Thanks and Praise.  
With thankful hearts; Nathan, Aileen, Taryn and Aiden Diek


  1. wow- what an amazing thing that must be to experience! I got teary thinking about it! Praise God!

  2. Amazing!! What a great God we have to get you this far! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Glad to hear all the progress! May the Lord continue to give you all that you will need during Nathan's physio/rehab. If you need anything give me a shout!
    Love Marion

  3. Wow! What a blessing to see progress in Nathan's rehab. All glory and honour to our Gracious Father with whom this is possible. Thinking about you guys and let us know if we can do anything for you. Take care.
    Love, Hendrik, Sue and Lily

  4. What an exciting update. A year ago...who would have thought this noteworthy, yet only a few months ago, who would have believed it? Congratulations to you all!
