Saturday, January 22, 2011

"In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name."  Psalm 33: 21

There is so much for us to be thankful once for, in this past week.  Nathan has seen much progress in his own rehabilitation, and that all the physio he does on his own and with the therapist is working.  Our Heavenly Father knows what we need when we need it.

The switch of hospitals, the very hot room he had to sleep in and all the new faces, added a lot of stress and uncertainty to Nate's mind, but as we look back we are thankful for the changes.  Nate's room is much cooler, (they fixed it a little bit ;) ) and the physio has been excellent

Each afternoon, Nate has physio with his therapist for approx 11/2 - 2 hours, depending on how much they talk!  Nate also has to do quite a few exercises and stretches himself every morning, and they take a couple hours to do as well.  All this physio has shown its effects this week.

On Monday Nate was able to stand for approx 30-45 seconds, by Wednesday Nate was standing for  3 minutes and by Friday was hopping back and forth down the parallel bars, holding on.  On Monday Nate could transfer, back and forth to things that are level or only a few inches in height difference, now he is able to transfer to things of many different heights, including things up to the height of our van seats.  Nate also is able to get a few more degrees of flexing of his elbow and knee, but these too will take time to get functional flexing out of them.  At this time we are both thrilled with the progress, and can't wait to get Nate home.

Speaking of home, next weekend, the 28th - 30th Nate will be coming home.  This is a weekend pass to see if there is anything else Nate needs to work on, or if its just strengthening and flexing.  Nate's ETA to leave Henderson "for good" is Feb 2, which is less then 2 weeks away.  We are very excited about this, as it is much sooner then we anticipated.  What happens for physio after this we are not quite sure, because Nate's stump is not healed enough yet to have a prosthetic put on. What we have been told is that Nate will be having physio from the Regional Rehab Center down by the General Hospital. Times and dates to be arranged.

Before I log off, I would like to thank all those wonderful Ladies who assisted in cleaning our home.  Much cleaning was necessary after our furry little rodent friends decided our home was a wonderful place to play, sleep, eat and leave black markings every where. Thank you so much, for all the cleaning you have done!  Thanks also to the many guys that have been hard at work in our home, preparing it for our return, all the moving of furniture, the hook ups,the last minute things and for those who are planning on coming still to do more work. We truly are thankful for all you have done.

Please continue to remember us in your prayers as we are preparing for the next stage, the return home, this is a time of excitement but also a lot of trepidation.  Thank you for all your prayers.


  1. Glad to read that Nat's progress is going so well and that he is able to come home next weekend.We along with yourselves have so much to be thankful for, praise be to God.

  2. Nathan & Aileen,

    Coming home - what a blessing to look forward to! We pray that both of you will be able to make the adjustment to the "new" normal with much patience and hope for the future.

    Ron & Marian Bremer

  3. Wow that is exciting!!!! Praying that all goes well and that the rehabilitation continues to go well! Praying for you all.
    Love Marion

  4. Exciting news Aileen...the Lord is gracious!
    Praying for continuation of healing and patience. Also praying that the move home may go smoothly for you all, especially for Nate.
    Love: Ben & Anita

  5. What wonderful news!! We are so happy for you both and pray that Nathan's progress continues to go well.
    Gus and Trish

  6. Wow, coming home this weekend, that's great! We're so happy to hear Nate's doing so well, may God continue to bless you all!
    xo James & Rach & co

  7. Very exciting news!! The LORD has truly heard the many prayers that have been raised. May God continue to bless your family as you prepare to return to the 'new' normal.
    D&W Heyink

  8. That is terrific news! We are continuing to pray that the recovery goes well and the transition home is a good one!
    Andrea & Brian

  9. So awesome to hear Aileen!! Finally you will be able to get into a routine at home again, especially good for the kids. We will keep praying for continued healing and strength for you all!

  10. What exciting news!! Enjoy this weekend! Praying that it will go well.

  11. Wow! Awesome news! I'm sure that you all are very much looking forward to being at home together once again. Hope this weekend goes well. Take care and God Bless.
    Love, Hendrik, Sue and Lily

  12. We're very happy for you! May God bless your weekend home and may He continue to grant healing. Sterkte! (sp?)
    Ron and Anne Jager
